The Slab Track Austria system is particularly convincing in the field of refurbishment due to its modularity and flexibility. Compared to ballast and other ballastless track systems, it has a lower height and width, allows track lowering and thus also installation in old tunnels without the need for additional tunnel widening measures.
The track support slab can be manufactured with a minimum width of 2.1 m and a total system height of 43 cm, calculated from the upper edge of the rail to the base of the grouted concrete, and is therefore ideally suited for use in areas with minimal space conditions.
The small dimensions of Slab Track Austria also offer considerable cost optimisation in the rehabilitation of old tunnels. It is possible to avoid tunnel profile extension by simply using Slab Track Austria, thus lowering the height of the upper edge of the rails and providing additional clearance in order to subsequently lay electronic cables or increase track distances due to higher safety requirements.
The modernization of Tauern and Arlberg tunnel are two examples of how the use of Slab Track Austria made it possible to increase the clearance without widening the tunnel and to achieve significant savings.